The ThinkPad Universal USBC Dock is a welcome innovation docking that takes users beyond tradition and into the realm of limitless potential. Experience universal compatibility with dynamic power charging max as 100w to notebooks, Automated firmware updates, Nextlevel plugandplay. Everything youd want from the future of docking is here. Its perfect for mixed PC environments too, giving users the freedom to connect any USB Type C industray standard Notebooks. One Dock. No Limits. Engineered for performance, the ThinkPad Universal USBC Dock quickly pays for itself with increased productivity, enhanced dynamic power charging to Notebook, max 100W charging. If you can think it, your dock can do it. One Cable. No Hassle. With 11+ thoughtfully placed ports, the ThinkPad Universal USBC Dock delivers unmatched performance while decluttering your desk. Entire Fleet. One Manager. The ThinkPad Universal USBC Dock comes packed with basic and advanced solutions engineered to make managing an entire fleet of docks effortlessly efficient. It could support tranditional IT tools like: PXE boot, WOL, and MAC address Pass Through on ThinkPad Notebooks, but also provide silent firmware updates. Silent reboots. Remote device queries. Its an IT managers dream.
- Lenovo